Narrowly defined best plots within the best vineyards in Moravia and Bohemia, the top of the pyramid, distinctive wines with exceptional ageing potential, traditional varieties best adapted to a specific location in the area. 

  • wines from grapes from selected plots of selected vineyards planted with traditional varieties for the locality: riesling, pinot noir and pinot blanc in all sub-regions of both wine regions – Moravia and Bohemia. In addition, there is one variety for each sub-region of the Morava wine-growing area: ‘Ryzlink vlašský’ for the Mikulov sub-region, ‘Veltlínské zelený’ for the Velka-Pavlovice and Znojmo sub-regions and ‘Chardonnay’ for the Slovenská sub-region;
  • vineyards treated in an environmentally friendly way, similar to the principles of the higher level of integrated production, without mineral fertilisers, without the use of herbicides, only the use of humified forms of organic fertilisers (vermicompost, compost) is allowed;
  • vineyards ideally on a slope, if on flat land, then on poorer soils, with a dense planting of at least 6 000 bushes per hectare;
  • ‘Great’ wines to be produced from balanced harvests, i.e. the minimum number of harvests before the grapes are harvested for ‘great wines’ according to the scheme: ten times the row width in meters
  • Maximum yield of 50 hl per hectare, alternatively crop reduction so that the final yield per one vine is one 750 ml bottle of wine at most
  • Finishing of wines in wine barrels, ideally fermentation in a barrel, minimum 6 months of maturation in barrels for white wines and 12 months for red wines
  • Manual harvesting of grapes is a necessary condition, as well as full physiological maturity of the grapes
  • All ‘great wines’ must meet the conditions for wines in the wine classification category in accordance with the Law
  • Alcoholic fermentation using neutral, pure yeast cultures, including other than saccharomyces species
  • Malolactic fermentation only with the use of pure cultures of bacteria
  • Prohibited procedures are: cryomaceration, thermoflash, use of enzymes, chips and bonifiers (tannins, fining agents, etc.)
  • All wines are dry, meaning glucose and fructose total less than 4g/litre
  • White wines may be released for sale no earlier than the 1st September of the year following the harvest, red wines not earlier than the 1st September of the second year after the harvest



First-class vineyards in Moravia and Bohemia with characteristic properties, optimal conditions for grapevine growth verified by long-term cultivation, traditional varieties of the area. 

  • Wines from grapes from selected plots of selected vineyard tracks planted with traditional varieties typical for the given locality, varieties identical to those of great vineyards, other varieties according to continuous updates and specification, and cuvée from these
  • Vineyards treated at least according to the principles of a higher degree of integrated production, without mineral fertilizers, without the use of herbicides, only the use of humified form of organic fertilizers (vermicompost, compost) is allowed
  • Vineyards on a slope, concentrated planting of at least 6,000 plants per hectare
  • ‘Premium’ wines to be produced from balanced harvests, i.e. the minimum age of the vineyard for ‘premium wines’ according to the scheme: ten times the row width in meters
  • Maximum yield of 50 hl per hectare, alternatively crop reduction so that the final yield per one vine is one 750 ml bottle of wine at most
  • Finishing of wines in wine barrels, ideally fermentation in a barrel, minimum 6 months of maturation in barrels for white wines and 12 months for red wines
  • Manual harvesting of grapes is a necessary condition, as well as full physiological maturity of the grapes
  • All ‘premium wines’ must meet the conditions for wines in the wine classification category in accordance with the Law
  • Alcoholic fermentation using neutral, pure yeast cultures, including other than saccharomyces species
  • Malolactic fermentation only with the use of pure cultures of bacteria
  • Prohibited procedures are: cryomaceration, thermoflash, use of enzymes, chips and bonifiers (tannins, fining agents, etc.)
  • All wines are dry, meaning glucose and fructose total less than 4g/litre
  • White wines may be released for sale no earlier than the 1st September of the year following the harvest, red wines not earlier than the 1st September of the second year after the harvest


  • Higher degree of basic wines of the Association members  
  • Wines from grapes from selected plots of vineyard tracks planted with varieties Rhine Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Green Veltliner, Welschriesling, Blue Frankish, St. Laurent, Silvaner 
  • ‘Selected vineyards wines’ to be produced from harvests from the 10th year after planting 
  • Maximum yield 75 hl per hectare 
  • 750 ml bottles only 


  • Basic wines of the Association members  
  • Wines from grapes from plots of vineyard tracks planted with varieties Rhine Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Green Veltliner, Welschriesling, Blue Frankish, St. Laurent, Silvaner, Red Traminer, Pálava, Neuburger, Műller-ThurgauFrühroter Veltliner 
  • ‘Winemaker’s wines’ to be produced from harvests from the 5th year after planting 
  • Maximum yield up to 100 hl per hectare 
  • 750ml up to 2 l bottles 

We prepared a solution proposal of the two basic levels of categorisation of vineyards, which we presented at meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, CISTA, and other institutions and associations. For a detailed proposal, see Categorisation of vineyards. Proposal of the solution.


Registered on 16th August 2018, Regional Court in Brno, Section L, Insert 25135
Residence: 691 86 Perná 181
Company ID: 07315767

Mailing address: 

Ing. Lubomír Dvořáček, Ph.D. 
Chairman of the Association 

696 19 Mikulčice č.ev. 93 
Telephone: +420 731 546 542
ID DS: 5qtv8rx 

The website of the Great Wines of Great Vineyards Association was created with the support of the Wine Fund